Sunday, January 8, 2012


Hello my darling readers!
Do you have any new year's resolutions? I know I do. One in particular is more a promise than resolution. I promise to write 1 blog post a week (starting now, lol whoops...). You all know how much trouble I have updating you all on my various creations. But this year, all of that will change. My friends here on the blogosphere will be 100% in the know. Now, on a differant note, here is yet another something to put in your hair, but this time, an elastic. And, i do believe that this is the first time I've shown you anything I've done with proper fabric, how exiting!

These are super cute and I just love the pattern of the fabric. Anyway, hope you're looking forward to the rest of this year as much as I am!

Lots of love,

xox Luvely Stitches <3